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A core facility for light microscopy

The Nikon Imaging Centre at Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (NIC@IIT) is a core facility for light microscopy developed in partnership between Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Nikon Instruments Italy. The NIC@IIT is to provide to a wide community of scientists and professionals throughout Italy, Europe and the Rest of the World, with the support of Nikon Instruments Italy, a large number of up-to-date imaging methodologies to monitor the living cell activity at high spatial and temporal rate. The main expertise of the NIC@IIT is related to Super resolution and multiphoton microscopy, and it is developed in the unique multidisciplinary environment of IIT. In the era of incredible advances in optical microscopy we can state that a new paradigm was born.
Cutting edge

Incredible advances in optical microscopy

In the era of incredible advances in optical microscopy we can state that a new paradigm was born. NIC@IIT is our Aleph. An Aleph is one of the points in space that contains all other points. The only place on earth where all places are – seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending. If all places in the universe are in the Aleph, then all stars, all lamps, all sources of light are in it, too. It is the microcosm of the alchemists and Kabbalists…the “multum in parvo!” (freely adapted from El Aleph, 1945 JL Borges).

Our mission

  • Stimulate innovation in biological research by providing investigators access to cutting edge microscopy resources with a particular emphasis on developing novel imaging solutions to systems biology challenges.
  • Support research while giving the researchers access to most advanced technologies in the field of cellular imaging, data analysis and image processing.
  • Serve as a training platform providing courses, individual instruction, and consulting on advanced light microscopy techniques.
  • Promote cross-discipline collaborations by providing an exciting intellectual commons centered on light microscopy.
  • Develop new microscope setups and imaging techniques in response to feedback from the users of NIC@IIT.
  • To become a demonstration platform for Nikon’s commercial prospecting.
The NIC@IIT is supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa and by a selected number of partners.

Nikon Centres worldwide

Nikon Imaging Centers are state-of-the-art imaging facilities established as a partnership between key research institutes around the world and Nikon. Our Mission is to contribute to the development of cutting edge research and to serve as a hub for educating the surrounding community on the fundamentals of microscopy and the latest advances in imaging technology.